Fieldfisher Capital

Corporate Finance Advisory

Corporate finance is essential to executing strategic goals, yet every company faces unique challenges. This is where we add value. Leveraging expansive experience in working with firms across diverse industries and economic cycles, our teams provide invaluable perspective on financial strategy and execution.

We complement clients’ corporate finance teams with a wealth of institutional knowledge – from analyzing capital structures to monitoring and managing funding asks. Our insights help clients adopt best practices and avoid pitfalls. Furthermore we partner with clients to execute and implement plans in specific areas discussed below

Capital Raise

When it comes to capital raise, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including expert advice on the Optimum Capital and Liquidity Profile for your firm. Our team specializes in various avenues for raising capital, such as Private Equity Raise, Mezzanine Financing, and Bank Loans, tailoring solutions to suit your unique business requirements. We guide you through the intricate process of approaching investors and lenders, conducting thorough due diligence, and skillfully negotiating terms to secure the most favorable financing options for your company’s growth.

Moreover, we understand the vital importance of Working Capital funding and Trade Finance in sustaining operational efficiency. We work with clients to optimize working capital management, ensuring a robust liquidity position and efficient trade transactions.

Rating & Debt Capital Markets Advisory

Tapping into the debt capital markets through corporate issuances can provide competitive, flexible financing to power strategic growth. However, it requires careful planning and execution. This is where we add value for clients.

Our debt capital markets services span:

Issuance Process:

Once the foundations are in place, we provide end-to-end support on debt issuances including:

  • Assessing suitability and advising on optimal issuance size, markets and tenors
  • Selecting the right partner through our extensive network of investment bankers
  • Preparing for investor meetings
  • Coordinating the entire issuance process from document drafting to pricing and allocation
  • After-market support for liquidity and any further needs

Rating Advisory:

  • Financial analysis to determine expected credit rating
  • Advising on optimal rating strategy
  • Managing due diligence process and presentation strategy for credit rating agencies
  • Coordinating interactions with agencies, addressing queries and concerns
  • Monitoring and support through the rating process

With deep expertise across debt programmes, markets and stakeholders, we help chart the most efficient path to debt capital markets financing aligned to your long-term strategic growth plans.

M&A Execution Services

Mergers and acquisition have strategic significance for firms. However, an M&A transaction goes beyond identifying suitable targets or investors and involves the critical phase of the execution process. Without careful management of the execution process, deals risk falling apart. This is where we can provide invaluable support with our end-to-end M&A execution services.  The expert support that we provide ensures a streamlined process, optimizing time and costs and liberating management to focus on their other day to day responsibilities.

Our suite of M&A execution services spans both the buy-side and sell-side transactions and includes:

Both Buy and Sell Side Execution Support: we offer invaluable support for both buying and selling parties, providing tailored solutions aligned with your specific M&A objectives.

  • Acquisition and Disposal Strategy
  • Due Diligence Process
    • ­Feasibility, financial modelling and valuations
    • ­Legal and regulatory support
    • ­Preparing Information Memorandums
    • ­Coordination with other advisors
    • ­Techno-Functional due diligence
  • Negotiation and Pre-NBO Offer Evaluation to optimize value
  • Closing and Execution Support

Special Situations:

During a period of financial distress, an objective outside perspective can provide clarity on a viable path forward. Stakeholders often turn to independent experts like us to benefit from our unbiased vantage point in assessing the situation.

We believe the key to a successful and sustainable  resolution is to unravel a complex situation and therefore our advisory process begins with a detailed business review, identifying the specific factors causing stress. Combining our team’s financial expertise with the operational understanding of the business we develop, we objectively assess challenges to pinpoint the specific factors causing stress. This paves the way for tailored turnaround solutions that address the circumstances, leveraging alternative funding sources, divestments, restructuring and hands-on intervention where required. Should the situation progress towards insolvency, we work closely with legal advisors to manage the process and recovery.

Our services encompass a comprehensive range of solutions:

  • Detailed Business Review to Identify Stress Factors: We conduct in-depth business reviews to pinpoint stress factors, ensuring a thorough understanding of the challenges at hand.
  • Balance Sheet Restructure:  We offer expert guidance on loan portfolio reviews and restructures, exploring alternative funding sources for a sustainable future. Our post-restructuring monitoring ensures continued success.
  • Business Restructure: We work closely with you to create viable business plans and oversee the entire restructuring process. Our team handles divestments, de-leveraging, and step-in interventions, while identifying and appointing specialist support as needed.
  • Insolvency: In cases requiring insolvency, we collaborate with insolvency practitioners and lawyers to optimize recovery value and manage the process seamlessly.

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss any of these solutions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We are happy to help.

Fieldfisher Capital Services
